So you want to move on and leave the past behind, maybe forget all the pain and awful things that have been done to you. How do you let others into a heart that’s been abused, used, and broken just a few too many times?
You don’t. It’s too hard.
Take the time to heal your heart first. It’s not fair to ask someone to deal with all the baggage, although they might be willing to anyways if they love you. Poor them. I feel for the man who falls for a woman who’s hurting still. She can’t let it all go for you, though she will certainly try. The pain is just too great. Time seems to be the only healer for a broken heart. It’s a wound that won’t heal quickly. The gash is too deep to gloss over.
There’s nothing you can say.
There’s nothing you can do.
You just need to let her hurt. Let her grieve. Leave her be and let her heal. And yes that is damn hard to do. It’s hard to watch the one you love hurt and not be able to fix it.
There’s also no amount of time I could give you for her recovery. Everyone is different and only the individual can feel it when they’re healed. They’ll just know.
They will wake up one day finally brave enough to handle life’s blows once more. To be ready for the risks. The challenges.