I suppose I’ve acquired a good, new problem.
I can’t write when I’m this happy. I have nothing to mull over or whine about. It’s all my boyfriend’s fault. He’s too sweet and I enjoy life too much when he’s in it. My mind is often on him, so I can’t contemplate the complexities of life!
No one feels the need to analyze the light. It’s the darkness that makes us scratch our heads and wonder.
I love to write, but lately I sit down, and it’s like nope — I got nothin. I’m blocked folks. My man’s last name is even Blocker! Coincidence? I think not. It’s like there’s a happy song stuck in my head with a button stuck on repeat and I can’t turn it off long enough to think about anything else! I’m sure it will wear off eventually. How do I write and think about something when my favorite thing to think about is — him? I know it’s silly, but it’s the truth. Showing my raw cards to you here today. I’m like a flushing schoolgirl lately. My friends and family laugh at me. They all say the same thing, “you seem really happy. It make us happy for you.” Ugh. It’s embarrassing!
Don’t get the wrong idea, being in a relationship doesn’t mean you’re happy 24/7 and never feel sad or go through hard times. I’m not that naive. But I’m in month three right now — the honeymoon stage, so just let me have my stupid happy-go-lucky moment okay…