Love is like bread. It rises, falls, can sometimes grow stale, can be so sweet and delectable, and it can nourish and energize you. It all depends on how and when you use it. Love needs time to grow to rise, so does bread. Love takes patience to develop into something sweet, much like bread.
When you love someone, you put in the time and effort to keep your relationship healthy and strong. When you make me mad, I could throw you away. I could talk to you and work it out. I could hold my true feelings inside and nothing can change. I could chose to love you, despite my feelings of the moment.
Love is action. It is forward movement, never stagnant. We are all better off with love in our lives. You can survive without love, but you’ll never be the kind of happy you could be if you have love. People don’t like that. But it’s true. They don’t like it because it means that their happiness depends on something beyond their control. We humans like control. We don’t like to think about our limits. Limits feel scary and make us feel weak. We don’t like to think about death or the end of anything.
All the more reason you need love. Love, real love — lasts till the end and makes the inevitable end acceptable.
“ Love doesn’t just sit there like stone; it has to be made like bread. Remade all the time. Made new.” — Ursula K. Le Guin