I can’t seem to stop noticing other people’s flaws. I see imperfections before I appreciate what’s right or good in a person. I feel this is wrong about myself so I wanted to write about it. It sort of just happens quickly and involuntarily.
I notice the crumb on your shirt before the lovely outfit you put together. The way you talk too fast over your good qualities.
Why am I so damn critical?
Perhaps there is a reason. I didn’t really have overly critical parents, so I’m not sure where it’s coming from. I once was told by a therapist that we judge others with the same measure that we judge ourselves. I do criticize myself, so I’m going to criticize you too. Because, to me, it’s normal behavior.
I always want to better myself in some way: physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, spiritual, be a better mom, a better cook, have a better life. Just more. Just better.
This may sound like a case of discontentment, but I don’t think so. It’s drive. I am a driven person. You have to be driven to succeed in life. But this so called drive, comes with a caveat, the tendency to criticize. Yourself and others. There have been times when I am on a roll, and then it’s too much.
I believe in life, we all have seasons. Seasons of: prosperity, struggle, tragedy, and perhaps even stagnancy (the…